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Tips to Remember While Using a Dedicated Server

The use of the internet has become a necessity for human beings. Cox near me provides some high-speed internet connections at the competitive rates from the market. However, the businesses demand something more than just the usual internet connection that is used at homes. Such…

ipage hosting reviews

Is iPage hosting a good platform to kick start your website

Web hosting is one of the first things that you will have to consider if you are planning to launch a website for your business. No doubt that you may come across iPage as well recommended web host in the affordable hosting category, when you…

cheap web hosting for your business

Tips to save few bucks by choosing cheap web hosting

Are you a newbie with a little budget looking for a cheap web hosting plan? Aren’t you comfortable with the existing one and planning to move your domain to a new host? Picking up right server for your online website can be a hectic task…

Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress

6 Best Google Analytics Plugins for WordPress You Should Consider Now!

Once your website is live, you start thinking about its performance. You want to know if it is actually working. There are several things that need to be considered in this respect. Right from knowing if your website had any visitors to where they are…

WordPress Plugins With PHPUnit

Automated Testing Of WordPress Plugins With PHPUnit – A Brief Introduction

WordPress has emerged as a popular content management system for building websites. There are a number of reasons for this. It is easier to start off with it and comes equipped with and a ton of themes and plugins. These plugins and themes make it…

7 Best Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Theme

7 Best Ways To Optimize Your WordPress Theme

WordPress, the open-source platform for building websites of all types and sizes is widely known for its awesomeness. Presently, the CMS powers over four hundred million websites across the globe. Interestingly, a new post is published every few seconds. The platform allows you to do…

cloud storage

7 Interesting Things that You Should Know about Cloud IT

As an entrepreneur, you must be extremely conscious about your cloud IT and ensure that it is at its best in order to protect the business data. But not all entrepreneurs know what it is and what are its functions. Cloud computing is nothing other…

choose a best hosting company

5 Helpful tips to choose a best hosting company

Hosting is the base; it is foundation of the website. Your web page or blog will tumble like a tower of cards once a small wind blows if your hosting is weak. Hence, it is very important to choose proper hosting for your future website….

Siteground, is it right to go with this hosting

How does Siteground care your website?

Siteground, is it right to go with this hosting? Having a reliable web hosting like site ground your website is one of the most important factors in modern day business. Your business can be from one particular country or from any part of the earth,…

interserver hosting reviews

InterServer Hosting Reviews

Are you looking for affordable web hosting with top-notch customer service?  Well, InterServer is something that you have to consider for your website. Just go through our review before making your choice. A variety of packages are being offered by InterServer, some of them are…